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BUTTERFLY Single by CDGuntee
BUTTERFLY Single by CDGuntee

As he followed his passion as an independent artist, he created many famous songs such as Microphone (170 million views), PraEk Likay (38 million views, Arai Krub Nia (10 million views) CD Guntee, a young artist who combines the art of acting, dancing, singing, and rap to make music, sing and perform smoothly across different musical genres from pop, R&B to hip hop. Recently, he is ready to be promoted as an artist from "Sony Music Thailand" with a new single named "Butterfly" (Butterfly), in which he has experimented with new features with his favorite and trusted producer, SPATCHIES.  

The song “Butterfly” is a lonely love song with a sexy appeal that talks about love in a rather lonely way, like being in a room staring out of the window and seeing a city with bright lights, but instead, it felt lonelier than it should have been. By comparing a butterfly to someone who is in the room together. That butterfly becomes so precious and means a lot to us. Because butterflies can reflect so many things, including beautiful, colorful, charming, mysterious, and seductive. Therefore, the butterfly is used as a representative of the symbol in telling the story in this song, which is like a woman

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